I ordered a USB mouse adapter for my Falcon a while ago. At the STNICCC I wanted to test it, but I found out, that I ordered the Amiga version instead of the ST version. So I ordered the ST version and found out, that I bought the wrong mouse. I had to buy an Netscroll Mouse and bought a Netscroll 100. So again I ordered another mouse. This time a Logitech RX250.

And finally it works !!

Here the setup with a joystick extension cable. You could see the Mouse adapter in the middle.

Here the setup without the joystick extension. You could see, that the Mouse adapter is not visible, because its hidden under the Falcon.

So I archived that I now could use a “modern” USB mouse instead of my “oldfashioned” PS/2 trackball. Also this mouse is optical, so for the first time I use a mouse on my falcon without a ball.

Another wast of time and money comes to and end, and the setup is save back in the cupboard 🙂 Hauptsache es macht Spaß 🙂