Again we had trouble with the forum. But since we successfully started this blog, this will not be a problem anymore in the future I hope.

Concratulation Xerus. Due to some training session, SSB and ThorN were able to archive a great score and was on the feets of the master.

ThorN’s opinion on: Switchblade 2 average
Playing the game first, you think that this is Switchblade with bigger sprites. Then playing for a while you  realise, that the game is easier, but there are more hidden areas.

After finally mastering level 1, I think that the level is to big, It would have been better to end it earlier, cause there are to many things that repeat itself like the elevator.

Even that the game is a bit easier than the first edition, you have to be relly concentrated not to loose your lifes. Cause there are 6 levels, you will need them.

The graphics are great and the sound is also good. The title music is really fantastic.

Was a great fun to play the game, and there was a lot to discover. The level design could be better, cause if I could choose, I would prefer Switchblade 1