Cause it is Santa Clause day today, as a price I gave away a Santa Claus boot (traditional german stuff on Santa Claus day).

While the training starts with a big suprise, I won 3 of the first 4 games against Frank, and even the other game was a draw, during the tournament the normal results appeared.

Jan K – Frank 1-7

Thorsten B – Jan K 6-0

Frank F – Thorsten B 6-3

Frank F – Jan K 7-1

Jan K – Thorsten B 2-5

Thorsten B – Frank F 1-5

Final Table

1. Frank F

2. Thorsten B

3 Jan K

So Frank was once against the best and get the official Wiesbaden Santa Claus Boot

After the tounament we did some more training, and now I also know, that the blue team still is weaker than the yellow team. Next time only two games against each other.

Beside the Kick Off, we had some good food from the Milan House (Mailand Haus) a take away service from Wiesbaden, and we test my new CD32.