Afte organizing some retro gaming contests during the day, I was a little bit tired when I arrived at 20.30 in Langenfeld.

Volker once again managed to a full house of Kick Off players. Oliver, Klaus-Dieter,Frank and Guido. So we were 6 players. Unbelievable.

Unfortunately Oliver had to leave befor the tournament. But I managed to score 4 goals against him before in a friendly and loose only 4-6. That was much better than the 0-12 last time, and was allready worth to come.

In the tournament I managed a 2-2 against Volker and won all other games. Finally I lost 1-7 against Volker. Volker was the better player, and it’s a honor to me, that Volker was so motivated to win against me. Next time I will kick his ass again of course.

Frank was the first time at a tournament and he has talent and he played the game a lot in the past, so we must keep an eye on him.

Klaus-Dieter has a temperament not that far away from my own one, and it was really funny to play against him. Hopefully he will train more before the next tournament.

Guido also lacks the training, but the last game of him against Klaus-Dieter was a trilling fun for both, and we hope to see him again next time.

Volker was the favorite after Oliver had to leave, and he got what he deserved. Many thanks to him for the organisation and the food and the couch.